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Conference Notes

Page history last edited by Diana Benner 13 years, 5 months ago

Below are my notes from various conferences I have attended:


Year: 2010


  1. TCEA - February 2010
  2. ASCD - March 2010
  3. TxDLA - March 2010
  4. Virtual Learning Symposium - May 2010
  5. TCEA Area 7 Conference  - June 2010
  6. ISTE - June 2010
  7. Region XI Distance Learning Educator Conference - October 2010 
  8. North Texas CIO/CTO Forum - November 2010  
  9. Leadership Technology Symposium - December 2010 


Year: 2011


  1. Ramping Up the Rigor - Closing the Achievement Gap - January 2011
  2. TCEA - February 2011 
  3. Leadership Technology Symposium - Lee Crockett - March 2011 
  4. TxDLA - April 2011 
  5. Region 10 Technology Conference - May 2011 



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